Health and Safety .

Customer service


    Safety in terms of labour risk prevention is a fundamental aspect for Altamira Constructora. We have our own labour risk prevention department, which is closely supported by an external prevention service that we also have.

    Our external prevention service cooperates in the elaboration of risk evaluations and necessary safety plans in the work. Apart from, supporting and acting as a specialized counsellor for our own prevention department.

    Regarding our labour risk prevention department. Its main goal is ensuring that the current regulations are followed in the works and in our facilities, by our employees, but as well by our collaborators, highlighting
    the following functions:

    • Regular safety visits to every construction work in progress to supervise the safety status of all of them, even if we are contractors and subcontractors, applying the necessary corrections immediately and, therefore, improving the safety conditions at work in our constructions.

    • After the visits, we prepare safety reports with the purpose of monitoring the status of each work and being able to detect risk situations in advance.

    • To control the labour and safety documentation of each of our subcontractors, we have hired the services of one of the current leading documental platforms. Furthermore, our labour risk prevention department will continue supporting by carrying out controls of the documents and the functioning of that platform.

    • To develop internal safety standards which specify and adjust the minimum required by the regulations of the labour risk prevention and checking the compliance of them in each construction.

    • On-site training for our employees and the subcontractors’ workers.

    • Our site managers and supervisors have all the necessary training according to the labour risk prevention regulations, and all of them have at least basic level training in labour risk prevention for construction work.

    Health and Safety

    Altamira’s commitment to Health and Safety means that it has its own Prevention Service. This means that we have a labour risk prevention policy that is integrated into our daily activities.

    Altamira is responsible for providing its staff working in its constructions with training and suitable and sufficient safety elements in accordance with the legal regulations in force and the characteristics of the work, in an efficient way.

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